Monday, April 28, 2014

Weekly Challenge: Water

If I started a support group entitled Big Ideas:Small Follow Through, would anyone else feel inclined to join me? As I've mentioned in the past I love to get excited and feel like I can conquer any challenge...and then I either move on to the next or fall flat, get discouraged, and give up. Enter The Comeback Season! To resolve my conflict with feeling like I neglect this blog and stick to the master plan, I have decided to start implementing weekly challenges. These will be small things that I've been needing to work on that I can focus on each week. So check in every Monday and I will issue a new challenge to start on for the coming week. Some may piggyback on another, or just be something that may improve our way of life. As always, I'm open to suggestions as we go along as well! 

Challenge #1: Drink More Water!!! 

As I'm sure you know, our bodies are 60% water so it's no surprise that when we're not getting enough H20 we're not at our best. Maintaining a balance of fluids will help maintain essential functions in the body like digestion, circulation, and the transportation of key nutrients throughout the body. Common sense tells me that if our bodies are in balance we get more energy and a brighter mood as a result which really is the whole point, right? The Institute of Medicine recommends that woman should consume 2.2 liters of water a day to maintain this balance. This is about 9 cups. My drinking glass that I am committed to keeping at my desk at work holds 16 oz. If my math is correct ...
that means I need to fill up (and drink!) 5 glasses each day to reap the benefits of hydration! Sounds doable to me! My challenge to you this week is to find a glass/cup/hose/scoop,whatever, do the math, and commit to getting enough water. 

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