Monday, May 5, 2014

Weekly Challenge: Unnecessary Distraction

I have an extreme love hate relationship with my computer, tablet, and cell phone! At least one of these things is with me all the time and yes, I will fully admit I use them for both good and ev...ok, maybe not evil, but I'm definitely not saving the world with any of my Facebook status updates! I find myself being completely sucked in sometimes without even being conteously aware and I'm starting to wonder how much I've missed as a result. This weeks challenge is about getting my attention span back! 
Most often my distractions starts with a little red circle... 
Or the pop-up on my computer screen that tells me something's waiting for me! Roughly 85% of the time whatever is waiting is junk, advertisements, or Twitter telling me a Kardashian has, the challenge is not about giving up The Kardashians and yes, I realize that is a problem in itself... Anyway, this week I am working on eliminating distractions so I can be more productive in areas that matter. I'm working on going through all of those junk e-mails and unsubscribing to anything I don't need to see regularly. 

This is quite the undertaking, considering I went through the same couponing phase as everyone else when TLC planted that seed. That meaning that I gave out my email address anytime I was told there might be a discount involved.
I'll also turn off the notifications on my phone and work computer that tell me I have a new email, Facebook message, or when someone repins something I've pinned. The hope is that I'm not constantly being drawn to those apps by that tricky red dot and only checking when I have the time or need to look. Ultimately saving me time and money since I can't even tell you how often I feel like I need something I've never even thought about just because Groupon or Zulilly tell me I do! 
Sound familiar? 

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