Friday, January 17, 2014

What I didn't know...and the new do!

As previously mentioned, I'm a new mom of a smiley, yet spunky little lady who has introduced me to all the things I had previously thought I knew (but had no idea) about being a parent. More than anything is the fact that I don't know what I don't know. I'd heard this before, but like most expectant parents, I thought I had a pretty good grasp on the ways my life would be changing. With her so sweetly giving me an extra week of pregnancy, I mastered the art of nesting. I spent weeks washing, folding, and organizing. I really felt ready! And then, that reality thing hit again!  I have learned more about myself in the last 7 months than in the last five years combined! 

Here's a small example:
One thing that I new about pregnancy is that your hair and nails get stronger and shinier and as someone with thin stringy hair, this was SO exciting! When I started to notice the thickness of my ponytails increase it made the thickness of my ankles bearable! 

What I didn't know was that this perk of pregnancy would also have me spending the better part of the first year of motherhood managing the clumps constantly falling off of my head! I didn't know I'd need to be worried about my little one losing a finger or toe as a result of getting tangled in my lost hair and I didn't know that Drain-o needed to be worked into the budget! So not only have I returned to the land of straight and stringy, I'm also battling the fall out!
Since this problem is not fitting in with my current lifestyle, I decided it was time for a change. My hair needed a revival...or comeback, if you will! 
I've been growing my hair out since my engagement and now with my wedding over two years behind me I'm not seeing a need for an up-do anytime in the foreseeable future so why not go all in?!... No, this does not mean I'm shaving it off! I'm thinking more of a perfect opportunity to do something I've always wanted to do. 
With it being a substantial amount of time since I've had any kind of style, I don't have a go-to hair dresser so I started on Groupon...some might have said Google or the Yellowpages there, but I'm on a strict budged and a new hair style doesn't exactly fall under necessity so I needed to be creative. 

Luckily, the girls from B. Suites Studio Salon had both a killer Groupon and a fancy website that made me feel confident I wasn't walking into a hack job! 
On my list of "someday I'd like to's" has always been to have long enough hair and the guts to chop it off for Locks of Love. Today I had both so I thought I'd figure out how that works. 

It's actually really easy. On this website you can find all the details, but I thought I'd give you the basics. 
*  10 inches is the minimum length needed for a hair piece. 
*  Make sure your hair is clean and dry prior to cutting.
*  It must be in a braid or ponytail before it's cut. 
*  After, just put the ponytail inside a plastic bag. 
*  Put the plastic bag, with the donation form, in a padded envelope and mail it to Locks of Love
             234 Southern Blvd
             West Palm Beach, FL 33405-2701

I also should mention that if the hair is less than 10 inches, it can also be donated and used to off set the cost of making the hair pieces...pretty cool, huh?!

This is the picture I sent to my husband without explanation...have I mentioned I think I'm really funny? 

There are so many pieces to this comeback season, many of which will be a slow and steady transformation. I was really wanting to find something that felt like a kick start; something that made me feel like I was building momentum!  So here you have it.  A new look to accompany the growing me! 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The checklist...and adventures in Laundry Soap

I've been trying to make this my mental checklist for anything I decide to put time into these days and it has actually started to be pretty handy. I'm sometimes one of those people who tends to be a little impulsive when I get, what I think, is a good idea. (See exhibit A)
I will leave it at that for now, but I will say my husband was less than impressed when he came home to our coffee table in multiple pieces! 

Anyway, I did recently cut out some time to make up laundry soap.  In using my checklist I determined that my old process was not worth the time (prep, wait, package-24 hour process) or the space...
I've become a laundry soap bottle hoarder! So, first step, clear out the two cupboards worth of empty bottles and gather my ingredience. 

*1 box of Borax
*1 box of Washing Soda
*3lbs OxiClean Free
*2 bars of Zote White (Grated)
*1 box of Baking Soda (You'll only use 2 cups; I just bought the big box on sale)
*1 bottle of Purex Crystals (optional...and when I do this again I'll leave them out, but they do make everything smell nice.) 

Here's where the Rocket Science just mix all the ingredients in a big pot! The only part that took effort was grating the Zote and I called that my arm workout for the day! 

After it was all mixed I pored it into these jars...
Each load uses less than 2 table spoons and I'll have to give a future update, but I'm convinced I won't be making more laundry soap for at least 6 months! (All for the price of roughly 1 months supply of Tide!) ...and it looks so much cuter sitting in my cupboard than 8 empty jugs! 


Thursday, January 9, 2014

Most important meal of the day…breakfast burritos!

This has been quite the exciting first week!  I have gotten so much amazing encouragement and support!  I can only hope that this will be as useful to you all as your feedback and cheerleading has been to me!  The beginning of the year always seems like an ideal time to makes some changes and this year, more than ever, I am feeling like so many people around me are motivated and ready!  For example, two weeks ago a talented co-worker of mine brought in fudge to share with the staff.  This fudge disappeared in minutes…such a letdown when I ran to the kitchen to find an empty plate!  Just two short weeks later, an equally talented co-worker's wife sent cupcakes (beautiful, delicious, chocolate cupcakes) that dwindles slowly over two days in the kitchen…I may do my own experiment in another two weeks to see who’s still on the wagon! 
Confession time:  My name is Sara and I have a fast food breakfast problem.  Yes, if I am being completely honest I would say that swinging through either Burgerville or McDonald's on my way into the office is a regular enough occurrence that I don’t even have to ask for ketchup when I get to the window anymore **blushing and embarrassed at that fact**  This adds up to over $700 a year spent on just breakfast; this doesn’t include the Starbucks I will get two hours later (another issue altogether.)  A bigger problem might also be the over 800 calories involved in this choice and the cherry on top is how often I’m pulling into a parking space at work behind schedule because of my extra stop.  So needless to say, this is an area that needs improvements!

This week I was able to cut my breakfast calorie intake by over 600 calories, my breakfast cost by at least $4.00, and gave myself some extra time in my busy morning.  Here’s how.

Turkey Sausage and Egg Whites Freezer Breakfast Burritos


14 eggs (I used 4 whole eggs and 10 egg whites)
6 medium sized potatoes (you could also use frozen hash browns to save time, but I went with the cheaper choice)
½ onion (chopped)
8 oz cheddar cheese
1 lb. extra lean turkey sausage
Flour tortillas (whole wheat tortillas or wraps would be a good alternative, but I used what I had)
2 Gallon sized Freezer Bag
Seran Wrap

Oh and of course
   7 shaped blocks, 1 Sophie, 1 dolly, and a ball…to keep my busy girl entertained while we cook!


Start by washing and chopping the potatoes.  Add these and the chopped onions to the griddle set between 350 and 400.  This will take the longest to cook so I got this started and graded cheese and cracked eggs while I waited. 

My little tip for the eggs is to separate the egg whites first for 10 eggs because inevitably I will always drop one or two yokes in the bowl. 

As the potatoes are cooking, crumble the turkey sausage into a large frying pan.  Use a large pan because you will end up mixing everything together in it in the end.  Brown the sausage, drain grease, and move onto a plate with a paper towel to absorb any excess grease.

This is where we lost interest in the blocks and had to bring in reinforcements…

Next, scramble and cook your eggs. (use the same pan to save on dishes)

When the eggs are cooked, I put the sausage back in the pan, turning the heat to low.  Now, add the potato/onion mix and stir it all together. Finally, add in the cheese and stir it again.  The cheese will melt in and then you get to move on to the burrito prep.

I laid out my 21 tortillas (thanks tortilla counter for the extra 1 in my 20 pack!) and spooned my breakfast mix onto each tortilla. 

Roll, Wrap and Freeze!  10 burritos fit in one gallon sized freezer bag, so of course the 1 left over became my reward for all my hard work!

As I prep for each day, the night before, I just pull out a burrito and leave it in the fridge so that in the morning I can pop it in the microwave for 45-60 seconds and eat on my way out the door.  

Each burrito came out to about 164 calories and $0.60!

And here's when we moved on to nap time...

Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Spending Fast

I am sure you are still wondering what this “Come Back Season” is all about and I have to give credit to a close friend of mine who had a comeback season of her own a few years back, who has token-ed this phrase for us.  My comeback season is about meeting many of the goals I have put off “until Monday, tomorrow, next year, when…”  This is about seizing the moment and instead of waiting for the time to be right to start a new project or take on a new routine, I will dive head first.  I am sure that there will be times I get in over my head and I assure you I will be happy to admit it when I do!...and I am sure my husband will happily point it out for me!  So this is where we start.  

The spending fast! 

Most who know me have heard me say “we are hoping to buy a house next year” or “we’re getting really serious about saving so we won’t be renters forever!”  My ultimate goal for years now has been to stop paying someone else’s mortgage and have a house I can paint, resurface, or just rearrange however I want.  With that as our ultimate goal, my husband and I have committed to a spending fast that starts right now!  In order to make this a realistic endeavor we have spent the last few months processing what this will look like. You will see that I am very visual and my sweet husband humors me.

Here’s how it works:
We sat down and first gave purpose to our mission, as to not be entering into a huge commitment without a vision.  We did some brainstorming on what we wanted when this was all over.

Then we looked at what we are currently spending our money on.  Every January, when our W-2’s arrive I say the same thing; “where in the hell did this money go!” So if you are needing a motivator compare how much it cost you to live; ya know, the real necessities; with your yearly income.  We aren’t raking in the dough by any means, but I’m at a loss for where it all goes.  

 But I digress…so we really looked at what we are regularly spending money on.

We used this list to agree on what we could live without:

As a complete TV Junky this will likely be my toughest cut, but I keep bringing myself back the ultimate goal.  With cutting cable we decided keeping internet made sense (and how else could I bring you this blog without that?!)  I also gave in to a yearly subscription to X-Box Live which is definitely not a necessity, but without the NFL Channel, I had to give him something…for both our sanity!

Next is what we could work on decreasing monthly:

And finally, what will be the focus to pay off:

Here is where we made the rules! 

1.  No spending on non-necessities

2.  Cash only spending for groceries and gas

3.  We will each have $10 cash on us, extra for minor unexpected expenses (weekly)

 Unexpected expenses are things like if we forgot our lunch at home or something from the drug store on a non-grocery shopping day, etc.
-This also means that if I forget my lunch in the fridge at home, as I regularly do, and I have already spent my emergency cash, I will have to get creative!

4.  All left over money at the end of the month will go toward one of the “To be paid off” items, starting with the one with the highest interest rate. 

5.  No using credit cards

6.  Mandatory events will be budgeted for at least a month in advance

    We live three hours from our family and try our hardest to be a part of as many family events as we can so taking travel and family events out of the equation for an entire year defeats the purpose of my comeback season, which is to be a happier healthier person. 
7.  Gifts will be homemade or experiences rather than store bought.  (Heads up to my friends and family, I’m getting creative!)  And what I mean by experiences is spending time together, like taking my nephews to the park and ice cream, rather than buying them video games.  I absolutely LOVE to give gifts so this was more of conversation than you’d think.

After we had hammered out what this was going to look like, we decided that we would start on January 1st, which gave us about a month to work out any kinks and decide on ways to make it all work.  I also didn’t want this to be one of those things we talked about and jumped into without a plan, all for it to fall flat two days in.  I took this time to tell a few of my friends what we were doing.  If you are joining in on the challenge, I highly recommend telling some of the people around you.  For me it has been helpful in two ways.  First, some of my peeps decided to join us! And two, it gave everyone a heads up for when I decline lunch plans.  I’ve gotten a lot of supportive feedback on ways to make it work…which will likely be a future post because I have some very savvy and creative friends!  

So, now we are 4 days in.  We have put in our 30 day notice on our current rental and are in search of something more affordable.  Our unnecessary furniture, that will likely not fit in the smaller place, has been posted on Craigslist to sell and we are currently soaking in as much television as we can before the end of this billing cycle. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

And we're off...

New mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend…as my roles in this world continue to evolve I have found myself getting lost in the shuffle.  I start far to many sentences with “I was going to…but…” and finishing with “because life just keeps happening.”  And life really does keep happening, but how great would it be if the “but” would be replaced with “so” and the “just” could be eliminated altogether.  About 12 years ago I set out to conquer the world with about six boxes of stuff, a well-loved car, size 6 jeans (that I wished were just one size smaller)and ignorance and naivety on my side.  Oh how I thought I had life so figured out.  As we fast forward into the future I am now surrounded by stuff, well-loved car #2 sits in the driveway, and that ignorance has now been replaced with reality; the reality of student loans, bills, time flooding by, and the dream of size six jeans!  This is where I must note that I have been a very lucky women.  I am married to my best friend, have a wonderful family, and I have been blessed with my beautiful daughter who makes my heart full every day.  These things bring me so much joy, but are also the source of my inspiration.  I’m in need of a comeback season because all of these people, especially my daughter, deserve to have all of me; not the me who is going to enjoy life more when….(fill in with all the typical excuses…when I’m less stressed, when I have more money, when I have more energy, when I wear a smaller size, etc.)  Since becoming a mother I have heard MANY times, “it goes by fast, enjoy it.”  And I have so far found this to be very true and because of that I have decided that it is not worth letting anymore of that time fly by without making an honest effort to be the optimal me.  This blog is my motivator.  I’m hoping to use it to keep myself accountable and hoping that others will join me on my journey.  I’m a list maker, goal setter, shiny gold star seeker and I’m always open to ways to cut time, money, and calories without sacrificing enjoyment.  
 So I say to the year 2014- Bring it!

Join me as I begin my come back season…