Thursday, January 9, 2014

Most important meal of the day…breakfast burritos!

This has been quite the exciting first week!  I have gotten so much amazing encouragement and support!  I can only hope that this will be as useful to you all as your feedback and cheerleading has been to me!  The beginning of the year always seems like an ideal time to makes some changes and this year, more than ever, I am feeling like so many people around me are motivated and ready!  For example, two weeks ago a talented co-worker of mine brought in fudge to share with the staff.  This fudge disappeared in minutes…such a letdown when I ran to the kitchen to find an empty plate!  Just two short weeks later, an equally talented co-worker's wife sent cupcakes (beautiful, delicious, chocolate cupcakes) that dwindles slowly over two days in the kitchen…I may do my own experiment in another two weeks to see who’s still on the wagon! 
Confession time:  My name is Sara and I have a fast food breakfast problem.  Yes, if I am being completely honest I would say that swinging through either Burgerville or McDonald's on my way into the office is a regular enough occurrence that I don’t even have to ask for ketchup when I get to the window anymore **blushing and embarrassed at that fact**  This adds up to over $700 a year spent on just breakfast; this doesn’t include the Starbucks I will get two hours later (another issue altogether.)  A bigger problem might also be the over 800 calories involved in this choice and the cherry on top is how often I’m pulling into a parking space at work behind schedule because of my extra stop.  So needless to say, this is an area that needs improvements!

This week I was able to cut my breakfast calorie intake by over 600 calories, my breakfast cost by at least $4.00, and gave myself some extra time in my busy morning.  Here’s how.

Turkey Sausage and Egg Whites Freezer Breakfast Burritos


14 eggs (I used 4 whole eggs and 10 egg whites)
6 medium sized potatoes (you could also use frozen hash browns to save time, but I went with the cheaper choice)
½ onion (chopped)
8 oz cheddar cheese
1 lb. extra lean turkey sausage
Flour tortillas (whole wheat tortillas or wraps would be a good alternative, but I used what I had)
2 Gallon sized Freezer Bag
Seran Wrap

Oh and of course
   7 shaped blocks, 1 Sophie, 1 dolly, and a ball…to keep my busy girl entertained while we cook!


Start by washing and chopping the potatoes.  Add these and the chopped onions to the griddle set between 350 and 400.  This will take the longest to cook so I got this started and graded cheese and cracked eggs while I waited. 

My little tip for the eggs is to separate the egg whites first for 10 eggs because inevitably I will always drop one or two yokes in the bowl. 

As the potatoes are cooking, crumble the turkey sausage into a large frying pan.  Use a large pan because you will end up mixing everything together in it in the end.  Brown the sausage, drain grease, and move onto a plate with a paper towel to absorb any excess grease.

This is where we lost interest in the blocks and had to bring in reinforcements…

Next, scramble and cook your eggs. (use the same pan to save on dishes)

When the eggs are cooked, I put the sausage back in the pan, turning the heat to low.  Now, add the potato/onion mix and stir it all together. Finally, add in the cheese and stir it again.  The cheese will melt in and then you get to move on to the burrito prep.

I laid out my 21 tortillas (thanks tortilla counter for the extra 1 in my 20 pack!) and spooned my breakfast mix onto each tortilla. 

Roll, Wrap and Freeze!  10 burritos fit in one gallon sized freezer bag, so of course the 1 left over became my reward for all my hard work!

As I prep for each day, the night before, I just pull out a burrito and leave it in the fridge so that in the morning I can pop it in the microwave for 45-60 seconds and eat on my way out the door.  

Each burrito came out to about 164 calories and $0.60!

And here's when we moved on to nap time...

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