Wednesday, January 1, 2014

And we're off...

New mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend…as my roles in this world continue to evolve I have found myself getting lost in the shuffle.  I start far to many sentences with “I was going to…but…” and finishing with “because life just keeps happening.”  And life really does keep happening, but how great would it be if the “but” would be replaced with “so” and the “just” could be eliminated altogether.  About 12 years ago I set out to conquer the world with about six boxes of stuff, a well-loved car, size 6 jeans (that I wished were just one size smaller)and ignorance and naivety on my side.  Oh how I thought I had life so figured out.  As we fast forward into the future I am now surrounded by stuff, well-loved car #2 sits in the driveway, and that ignorance has now been replaced with reality; the reality of student loans, bills, time flooding by, and the dream of size six jeans!  This is where I must note that I have been a very lucky women.  I am married to my best friend, have a wonderful family, and I have been blessed with my beautiful daughter who makes my heart full every day.  These things bring me so much joy, but are also the source of my inspiration.  I’m in need of a comeback season because all of these people, especially my daughter, deserve to have all of me; not the me who is going to enjoy life more when….(fill in with all the typical excuses…when I’m less stressed, when I have more money, when I have more energy, when I wear a smaller size, etc.)  Since becoming a mother I have heard MANY times, “it goes by fast, enjoy it.”  And I have so far found this to be very true and because of that I have decided that it is not worth letting anymore of that time fly by without making an honest effort to be the optimal me.  This blog is my motivator.  I’m hoping to use it to keep myself accountable and hoping that others will join me on my journey.  I’m a list maker, goal setter, shiny gold star seeker and I’m always open to ways to cut time, money, and calories without sacrificing enjoyment.  
 So I say to the year 2014- Bring it!

Join me as I begin my come back season…

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