Friday, January 17, 2014

What I didn't know...and the new do!

As previously mentioned, I'm a new mom of a smiley, yet spunky little lady who has introduced me to all the things I had previously thought I knew (but had no idea) about being a parent. More than anything is the fact that I don't know what I don't know. I'd heard this before, but like most expectant parents, I thought I had a pretty good grasp on the ways my life would be changing. With her so sweetly giving me an extra week of pregnancy, I mastered the art of nesting. I spent weeks washing, folding, and organizing. I really felt ready! And then, that reality thing hit again!  I have learned more about myself in the last 7 months than in the last five years combined! 

Here's a small example:
One thing that I new about pregnancy is that your hair and nails get stronger and shinier and as someone with thin stringy hair, this was SO exciting! When I started to notice the thickness of my ponytails increase it made the thickness of my ankles bearable! 

What I didn't know was that this perk of pregnancy would also have me spending the better part of the first year of motherhood managing the clumps constantly falling off of my head! I didn't know I'd need to be worried about my little one losing a finger or toe as a result of getting tangled in my lost hair and I didn't know that Drain-o needed to be worked into the budget! So not only have I returned to the land of straight and stringy, I'm also battling the fall out!
Since this problem is not fitting in with my current lifestyle, I decided it was time for a change. My hair needed a revival...or comeback, if you will! 
I've been growing my hair out since my engagement and now with my wedding over two years behind me I'm not seeing a need for an up-do anytime in the foreseeable future so why not go all in?!... No, this does not mean I'm shaving it off! I'm thinking more of a perfect opportunity to do something I've always wanted to do. 
With it being a substantial amount of time since I've had any kind of style, I don't have a go-to hair dresser so I started on Groupon...some might have said Google or the Yellowpages there, but I'm on a strict budged and a new hair style doesn't exactly fall under necessity so I needed to be creative. 

Luckily, the girls from B. Suites Studio Salon had both a killer Groupon and a fancy website that made me feel confident I wasn't walking into a hack job! 
On my list of "someday I'd like to's" has always been to have long enough hair and the guts to chop it off for Locks of Love. Today I had both so I thought I'd figure out how that works. 

It's actually really easy. On this website you can find all the details, but I thought I'd give you the basics. 
*  10 inches is the minimum length needed for a hair piece. 
*  Make sure your hair is clean and dry prior to cutting.
*  It must be in a braid or ponytail before it's cut. 
*  After, just put the ponytail inside a plastic bag. 
*  Put the plastic bag, with the donation form, in a padded envelope and mail it to Locks of Love
             234 Southern Blvd
             West Palm Beach, FL 33405-2701

I also should mention that if the hair is less than 10 inches, it can also be donated and used to off set the cost of making the hair pieces...pretty cool, huh?!

This is the picture I sent to my husband without explanation...have I mentioned I think I'm really funny? 

There are so many pieces to this comeback season, many of which will be a slow and steady transformation. I was really wanting to find something that felt like a kick start; something that made me feel like I was building momentum!  So here you have it.  A new look to accompany the growing me! 

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